- General Policies
1. Television channels will be placed on the general consensus of weight-room patrons and will be changed by staff only.
2. During peak participation hours times or when individuals are waiting to use cardiovascular equipment, there is a 20-minute time limit on each piece of equipment. If a patron is waiting to use free weights, let that person work in a set.
3. Footwear of an athletic type will be worn at all times, no bare feet in the weight-room. Footwear/clothing must be free of substances that can damage to the equipment and/or increase the risk of injury (I.e. grease, oil, metal buckles, mud, boots, shower shoes, sandals, etc.).
4. Athletic footwear must be non-marking when using the basketball and/or racquetball courts. No street shoes or boots allowed on floor.
5. Athletic attire is required throughout the facility, to include the sauna. Clothing will be free of offensive pictures or speech and will sufficiently cover the body in a modest fashion.
6. Age requirement:
A. No person’s under the age of 16 years will be permitted in the complex without a parent or guardian. If the parent or guardian leaves the complex the minor must accompany them, at no time will the minor be left unattended.
B. No person under the age of 12, is permitted to use the weight-room or sauna. Person’s 13-15 years of age may use the weight-room or sauna, when supervised by a parent or guardian ( age 18 or older) and at no time will he/she be left unattended or unsupervised.
C. Patrons 16 years or older are allow to use the entire facility with proper identification.
7. The use of tobacco or alcoholic products is prohibited in the Fitness Complex.
8. All beverages brought into the facility must have a cap or sports top.
9. Management is not responsible for lost or stolen property. Locker are free of charge, bring your own lock.
10. Inappropriate behavior (I.e., profanity, fighting, and/or abuse of equipment, etc.) is prohibited. A patron may be asked to leave and in extreme cases, such behavior may cause forfeiture of privileges.
11. Eye Protection is mandatory by all patrons playing racquetball or handball.
- List of facilites, programs and items available
- MWR Card Issue
- Pool Passes (Summer Only)
- Aerobic Classes (Call For Info)
- Weight Room W/Cardio Equipment
- Racquetball Court And Equipment
- Sauna...Dry Heat Only
- Softball Field
- Basketball Court
- Boxing Equipment
- Tennis Court W/Outside Basketball Court
- Certified Personal Trainer
- Intramural Sports
- Assorted Sports Equipment Check Out
- Running/Walking Track
- Wellness Program
- Shower Facilities W/Towel Check Out
- MWR Card Registration Form
Please complete the registration form, print, sign and turn into Bldg. 3 Fitness Complex

Our Sports/Fitness Complex is a complete facility with a cardio room, free weights, full basketball court, racquetball court, dry sauna, walking track, tennis court, volleyball court and more..."Your total body fitness complex". We offer abs classes and total body workouts on a daily basis. The sports department sponsors 3 types of intermural sports; basketball, softball and volleyball. We have certified trainers on staff. Annually we offer a weight loss challenge and a fall wellness day. Please contact us with any questions you may have.